Sunday, November 2, 2008

damn time change.

it's pretty evident that kids just really don't listen when you explain that they need to sleep for an extra hour in the morning.

and you stay up a little later saturday night to watch snl.

and then in the morning after they woke way. too. early.
you are so incredibly busy trying to make coffee, feed them and the animals...

that you neglect to change the time on half of the clocks or at least those in the living areas of the house...

and finally...

you realize that you fed them lunch at 10 o'clock in the morning. and you are expecting them to take a nap by 11.

damn time change.


Connie said...

Seriously! This time change sucks! The boy was awake at 6am! And they are so tired now that I want to put them down for a nap immediately but it is only 11am.

I have had so much coffee today but feel like I need a Mountain Dew!

Christy said...

This was EXACTLY how my morning went.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It just didn't feel right to see 6AM on the clock instead of 7 when the kids got up. All those childless people gained an hour of sleep last night. Ha!

PsychMamma said...

I'm totally with you. Hubby said, "Yay! An extra hour of sleep." I reminded him we have a toddler and he wilted and said, "Oh yeah."

CC said...

Hee hee! I wrote an entire "debate" about how time changes should be abolished.