Monday, March 3, 2008

with and without...

remember my task of going through coconut's clothes??
this is me trying to accomplish the task with baby -

notice the neat clothing piles being carelessly, yet joyfully, strewn about? we were listen to the "where were the mormons in the 80s?" soundtrack from some dear friends (who employ creative mormon titles on their monthly soundtracks now that they have moved to slc...). apparently coconut likes 80s music and this was some visually entertaining flag/ribbon dance move that she learned in some past life. either that or mommy's dance moves were wildly motivating. we built this city...

ahhhh, now that makes the job easier! though, she's not as happy about it...

but we have completed the task, and i actually got through belly's clothes too! yeah, me (with daddy's supervision of the babes)! now, some shopping to fill in the gaps (pajamas for coconut, pants for belly...) and we'll be good! hey, that's the fun part! especially if it means mommy gets out minus the girls for a little alone time!

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