{ahem} ... i mean ... big girl.

wow. two? already?
i do have to admit that at the tail end of one ... i was starting to tell inquiring strangers that you were two. it was easier than saying one ... and you weren't much like one those last few weeks.
holy buckets, child. you are quite the girl. a handful. a busybody. into everything. a screamer. a lover of life. my giggle girl. my comic relief. a bossy bessy. a shy girl. (at first). a talker. a counter. a singer. a helper. a cleaner. (i have no idea who you got that from). but still my baby. always ... my baby.
and i can hardly stop at the two things that i love most about who you are at this very moment. two doesn't sum it up. but i can try.
i love ...
your sense of humor.
you love to make us laugh. all day long. today (on your birthday) you would change your age when i asked you how old you are. but this took so. much. concentration. ... i could practically see your little brain trying to deduce another number that was anything but two. it made me giggle. every. time. your laughter and your humor show me ... on a daily basis ... that i'm doing ok at this mommy gig. that if i can have such a happy child ... i'm obviously not failing ... even on THOSE days.

i love ...
how much you love.
because, honestly ... even though stella gets a wee bit pissy that you are copying her every movement and sound ... i know that deep down inside she loves that it means that you love her and you want to be like her. maybe not as much now ... (she is five going on twentyfive, remember) ... but i'm sure that someday she will love to hear about it. i love that i was able to give you two a sister. and i love that you guys like each other. someday ... in high school ... that might change ... but let's cherish it now while we can ... mm-kay?
and that daddy of yours. you can spot an airplane ~hairpane~ darting in between clouds from miles and miles away. and you instantly say "hi daddy!" and "come home daddy!" ... and then you cling to him and hug him upon his return.
thank you for being a ray of sunshine in our lives.
we love you baby girl. happy birthday.
Happy 2nd Birthday Cora! She is so cute!!! She sounds a lot like my daughter. :-)
Much love from NJ,
Happy 2nd birthday! So sweet....
Ah, the babies.
So lovely and such sweetness!
Happy birthday to your gorgeous baby girl! She is precious!
Happy Birthday Beautiful one!!
On this day your Mama has won an award...get it at my blog. (You don't have to do the game, unless you want to. The award is still yours!)
What a beauty. Both photos look absolutlely perfect to me, but you are working with a beauty!
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