Monday, June 30, 2008


at a family gathering the other day...

coconut was gnawing on my shoulder. no really...
GNAWING on my shoulder.

another (very cool) mama that i've met through family (a kind of a family through family sorta thing)...remarked that her daughter often does something similar to that when she wants to nurse. and she asked if coconut does that same thing?

no...i replied. she usually just smacks me on the face.

and then i realized. how weird is that? why does my little daughter smack me when she wants to nurse? is she the only baby that does that? how and where did she get this hitting thing? (she hits whenever something doesn't go her way...) we don't hit in our house...i try not to even lightly pop a hand when she's touching something that she isn't supposed to. is it they just know HOW to do that? belly never did it!

oops. comparisons are no good!

belly was talking at this age...oops - i did it again...

maybe that's the difference. and a light went on for the speech-language pathologist mommy. (imagine that?)

maybe this will just disappear as she acquires more words and language...she's ahead of the game for most one year olds...but i'm sure as this develops further...her alternative means of getting her point across will diminish. a woman can hope...can't she?

for now...we are just doing a lot of praising "nice touches". because any mention of "hitting" brings it on in full force. ( thought THAT was a hit...let me show you a real hit...)

anyone else out there have any tricks that have worked for you to reduce the hitting?

side note...but i have to add it...rainy (our monster cat) just went after belly's leg...and i got them both (girls...not monster cat) laughing by telling rainy to use his nice touches...a little humor can go a long way.


Connie said...

Jen...please email me. I have questions about Minneapolis!

Alice said...

I'm not sure about hitting, but my girl was a biter. After seriously biting her brother, I took her arm and did it to her. The biting tapered off after that, but I don't know if that would work for hitting. (I'm not sure if this is a completely kosher solution either!)

Anonymous said...

Well, my son does gnaw on my shoulder when he wants to nurse. BUT he also smacks me on my boob! He doesn't bite or smack hard. Just enough to let me know what he wants (this is, of course, when he's not reaching into my shirt). He's a little "grabby"!

Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Jen, what we did here for hitting was to take the baby's hand and gently stroke our faces, saying, "Kind hands. Touch mommma (or daddy) with kind hands." Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

BUT, for the most part, my kids don't hit me now. (each other, sometimes)


Kelly Hutcheson said...

Not sure their ages, but putting their hands in time out might be appropriate. My sister did it with her kids and it worked like a charm. She held their hands together and told them their hands were in timeout. Held them for the allocated time w/o any conversation. Then showed them what nice hands looked like followed with kisses/hugs at the end with an i'm sorry of course :)

Love your funny blog!!

Anonymous said...

My 13 month old hits, and I do think it's because she doesn't have the words she needs to express her needs/desires. I just say, "uh-oh! No hit!" and walk away from her immediately. After a couple of minutes (when/if she's calm) I give her a big hug and gently stroke her cheek, saying "Mmmmmm, nice!".

When she wants to nurse, she just puts her hand in my shirt and starts grabbing!

Thanks for stopping by over at Sweet Life, and for leaving a comment! Always appreciated.

dig this chick said...

Jen, Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog. I love all of your is funny that you mention the coffee alone-time thing because I was telling my husband not long ago that I wouldn't necessarily take her every Tuesday and Thursday even though we are paying for it because what about my vacation and paid leave etc and he said, babe, even if you aren't at work, it might be nice for you to be able to do things you have been missing. Go for a run with just the dog, get a massage... It hadn't even occurred to me. We always put our girls first, eh?

Wish I knew what to say about the hitting. Haven't experienced that yet...Sounds like you have a good understanding of it though!