Wednesday, April 9, 2008

tighter squeezes

i just came across this blog today that has made me look at my girls in a new light.
it is written by a mother of - four - that is an amazing photographer and an inspiring writer. in february of 2007, their family lost their little 3 1/2 year old daughter, ava, in an awful accident. see here:
this is a postcard that was created to acknowledge the type of accident and attempt to prevent it from happening to another family.
honestly, i have never been so moved and so touched by someone that i have never known. i'm not sure if it's the beauty of the pictures or the beauty in this little girl...but i have spent all day thinking about her and remembering her each time that my girls have needed just a little something more from me. i can't fret about little frustrations, when another mommy is going through something so much bigger. i definitely squeezed my girls tighter tonight.
this mommy writes so beautifully about her family and their life and how much she misses her little ava. everything that she writes about reminds me of my little belly...same age approximately...same likes/dislikes. same sort of questioning nature and love of life. she even loves to sing the same are my sunshine. they share the same intimate connection with their grandfathers.
i don't know that i could do what this mommy is able to do (i.e., go on living life) without my belly and my coconut. i don't know how i would muster up the strength to do it. and more-so...i'm not sure that i could share those emotions with the world in such a thought provoking and heart wrenching manner. believe me, you need to see her beauty.
you, too, will give those babies an extra squeeze. you, too, will fulfill the request for just one more kiss without getting even slightly annoyed. you, too, will see the beauty in ava and will send strength to her mommy and show her that ava's short little life had such purpose.

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